REP-52262 Diagnostic output is disabled when using reports server 11g on new installation

You may have noticed that when you have a new installation of  reports when you try to run a PDF report or even if you simply try to do a  showjobs request you get the error REP-52262 Diagnostic output is disabled. It seems that in a new installation for security reasons diagnostic output from the URL is disabled by default.

To fix this error, you will need to apply the following:
  1. Go to %DOMAIN_HOME%\config\fmwconfig\servers\WLS_REPORTS\applications\reports_11.#\configuration and open (make a backup first).
  2. Add the following parameter below the <inprocess> parameter:
    • <!–webcommandaccess>L1</webcommandaccess–>
    • Then change the value from L1 to L2 
    • <webcommandaccess>L2</webcommandaccess>
  3. Save and close the file
  4. Restart WLS_REPORTS
Hope this works. 


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