How to reset Workspace user password in apex

1. To Reset Workspace User Password
Click Administration dropdown which you will find at the top right main menu of your workspace. then click Mange users and Groups, edit the user name and go into his profile and reset password.
2. To Reset Workspace admin password
login Internal workspace.  ( Worspace name = Internal, user name = admin, password = <type password>)
Select Administration menu  then Mange user and Groups
You will get the enire workspace and it's user list, edit  the required user to reset it's password.
3. To reset Internal admin Password
If you can't login into internal workspace for wrong password then you can reset the admin password running the script apxchpwd.sql which you will find in the Apex installation files. Remember to run this scipt you must have to login to the database using SYS with SYSDBA privilege.

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