View Objects are quires that bring data seen in EBS web pages, a lot of attributes offered by oracle in each view object, but sometimes you need to show additional attributes. In this case oracle let developer to show these attribute by extending View Objects. The following are steps used to extend View Objects:
Before Starting you should set the following profile options on user level:
Profile Name | Profile Value |
FND: Diagnostics | Yes |
Personalize Self-Service Defn | Yes |
FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled | Yes |
Disable Self-Service Personal | No |
Step 1:
- Navigate to the page you want to extend the View Object.
- Focus on the region you want to extend.
- Click on about this page and get VO name and path associated to this region.
Step 2:
Let consider that we want to add voucher number to the notification arrived to the approver.
We want to add voucher number in invoice approval notification page, by adding new column to the region view object.
Note down the below details:
VO Name: NotifPGAcctSumVO
VO Path: oracle.apps.ap.invoice.request.negotiation.server.NotifPGAcctSumVO(View Object path can be found in Business components section in about page)
Step 3:
- Get NotifPGAcctSumVO.class and NotifPGAcctSumVOIMPL.class from server ($JAVA_TOP) download them under the same path in jdeveloper(in our example: oracle/apps/ap/invoice/request/negotiation/server/).
- Build the same directory under VOExtension file in jdeveloper(in our example: jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\VOExtension\oracle\apps\ap\invoice\request\negotiation\server)
- Convert NotifPGAcctSumVOIMPL.class to java file.
- Build new view object under (VOExtension \oracle\apps\ap\invoice\request\negotiation\server), extend the original View Object that is already downloaded from server.
5. Add the modified query of the original view object to the newly created view object.
Note: Make sure to use different binding names for bind variable to get ride JBO-27122: sql error
6. Substitute the original View Object with the newly created View Object.
Step 4:
Move the newly created folder:
From: D:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myclasses\
Step 5:
Use java import utility so that substitution take effect by using the following command:
jpximport.bat D:\jdeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\VOExtension.jpx -username user -password pss –dbconnection “(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=host)(PORT=port))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=sid)))”
Step 6:
Bounce the Apache Web Server using the following commands: stop oacore_server1 start oacore_server1
Step 7:
Go to the front end go to the page which you want to extend.
Click on about this page. Expand all in business components check whether the extended VO is reflecting or not.
Step 8:
- Add a new item of column type for the newly added filed.
- Add a new item for displaying the information. Provide the required information.
- Create one item for column header.
- Apply then back to application to make sure that the column has been added.
hi, you said that :Convert NotifPGAcctSumVOIMPL.class to java file.
ReplyDeleteWhich use you java Decompiler for class to java file?
I use jad for 1.7.65
I want to extend ReqLinesNotificationsVO
Must I do it convert class file to java?
Thanks a lot for sharing this tuto